2018 Top Five Resolutions

Self-Care…we hear about the concept all the time. Some will scoff at a self-care plan as selfish and time-consuming. Some will see it as a dream that only happens when others on our list are cared for first. Some will say it means a scented candle on a cold evening and others, a yoga mat to start the day.

But licensed therapist Tracey Cleantis writes in her book An Invitation to Self-Care, “It’s an invitation to see self-care as an attitude that permeates your life, a consistent self-replenishment. Self-care is a state of mind that offers a sense of abundance, a well that never runs dry.”

With this refreshment in mind for a new year, the editorial staff of San Antonio Woman has set 5 purposeful resolutions for you, in order to experience for yourself all of the care you need for a vibrant year ahead. Self-care is a multi-level plan that helps you to enjoy life from day to day. It may be about entertaining, and it may be about health and beauty, but if it brings joy to you, then it is self-care!

Happy New Year to everyone from San Antonio Woman.

1. Practice Clean Eating
The new way to lose weight and stay healthy is simple — eat clean, fresh foods. San Antonio has become a community overflowing with many ways to discover the tastes of locally grown foods. Farm-to-table restaurants, new farmers markets and new grocery retailers are bringing more options and helping all of us stay out of the potato chip aisle. Do what is best for you and eat clean this year.

2. Appreciate 300 Years
Self-care includes an appreciation for your surroundings. This is the beginning of San Antonio’s Tricentennial celebration, and we encourage you to fully recognize and enjoy the best qualities of our special place here in Texas. Mark your calendar with the Tricentennial events that are designed
to improve the city, connect the residents and foster compassion for one another.

3. Make Over a Room
Most of us want to change our surroundings, and one way
to start small plus have some fun is to begin with a one-room makeover. Decide which room you want to tackle first,  and know there are ways to begin, no matter how large or  small your budget is. Our fabulous furniture consignment  shops even have experts ready to help you make plans and save a little cash as well. Check out the featured paint colors for 2018 at our local paint stores, and dive in. Yes, this is also self-care.

4. Purchase a New Car
The economy is finally thriving, and there is no better time to update your vehicle or add a family car. It is a component of self-care to make sure you and your family members are in a safe car with new features such as hands-free phone options. Place this at the top of your priority list for 2018.

5. Save For Your Dreams
Your dreams may be a new home, luxury vacation or retirement plans. Whatever you dream, make certain you have been financially savvy and implemented a smart financial plan to make it a reality. There are many responsible and innovative financial institutions and planners in our city who are ready to help you get there.

By Pamela Lutrell

The post 2018 Top Five Resolutions appeared first on San Antonio Woman Magazine.

Source: Woman – Women in Business

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