Calling All Brick Layers

“A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown her.”

The irony of this quote is the quote itself has actually been re-built over the years, even by the infamous newscaster, David Brinkely, who quoted it for men. Despite where it may or may not originate, I still like it because it accurately describes my own career path….one of constantly catching those bricks and working to build them into something solid.

My first job was at the ripe age of 16. I began working in a small women’s boutique in Texas. The older female manager handed me my first brick. It was exhilarating for a young girl to experience the world of fashion retail and learn how to serve a customer. In looking back over those  years, I see how I have been able to take the twists and turns and work them into my new career here at Pixelworks Media. My love of journalism, marketing experience, and love of developing communications specifically for women have all come to fruition in this new venture called SA WOMAN CONNECT, and all represent different bricks in my life.

San Antonio is now a noted business scene for women …whether entrepreneurs, managers, officers, or those young ladies like I was years ago just starting out….this is a community full of opportunity. SA WOMAN CONNECT is a place where you can showcase your accomplishments; discover all types of information pertinent to your business life; and read stories of the successful women who enjoy their work and want to inspire others. In other words, we are a network of full of bricks and bricklayers.

Many of us have been faced with turning lemons into lemonade. Many of us have put our own careers on hold while raising families. Many of us have been detoured with medical challenges which resulted in a career change. Many of us have discovered something we love amidst the disappointments of pursuing the wrong direction. Hopefully, in this place you will discover guidance and encouragement to keep working on the firm foundation..

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