Sarah Sauer
Owner of Guten Co.
It’s #WomanWednesday! Meet Sarah Sauer of Guten Co., a design workshop that produces beautiful porcelain and press printed products. Sarah started her own business in letter press after studying under a master print maker at Trinity University here in San Antonio. She started producing ceramics as a creative outlet, which soon grew into a business of its own.
Starting her own business was scary for Sarah, but the best decision she ever made. Her advice for others is to seek out help from those you look up to. It may be intimidating reaching out to someone you admire, especially if you don’t know them, but they can help steer you in the right direction. It’s important to get feedback when you are first starting out and the stakes are lower. Mentors are key to helping you figure out your business strategy through each stage of your development. This also helps you stay connected in your industry. San Antonio is a city of community and building each other up, so most people are happy to mentor.
Sarah runs two successful businesses under the name Guten Co. Her company specializes in custom letter pressed marketing materials, business cards, and invitations as well as a wide range of ceramic pots, mugs, plates and more. Although her ceramics are primarily whole sale to local vendors, she also makes custom orders for clients.
Check out her work at @Gutenco